A True Parrot Head
I do not proclaim to be a Parrot Head. I am a fan of Jimmy Buffet, his music, his eloquent stories, and his lifestyle. I have not reached Parrot Head status. A Parrot Head is a member of a culture, a way of life. Yet, when Jimmy Buffett passed away in September, I had difficulty figuring out why I was so grief-stricken. To make me feel better, I began to explore the social media groups that focused on him. Through this exploration, I have learned about the devotion of a true Parrot Head. Here are some of the things I believe make a true Parrot Head. I am sure there are more, so I hope you enjoy this short list.
You have a space in your home (perhaps a room), that is dedicated to being a Parrot Head and the lifestyle associated with it. It includes any of these items: posters, t-shirts, album and CD covers, ticket stubs, cups with logos, Margaritaville guitars, guitar picks, palm trees, and other collectibles. It continues to grow.
The number of Jimmy Buffett concerts you have attended is at least half your age. Because of this, planning and preparing for a concert was effortless and you always knew how you would dress and what you would bring to create the Margaritaville mood at a concert.
When people misspell his name, you let them know there are two “Ts” in Buffett, and that every Parrot Head knows this. This is one of the ways you are able to separate the true Parrot Heads from everyone else.
You have eaten at a Margaritaville restaurant.
You have eaten at LuLu’s.
You know the names of his airplanes, boats, albums, books, dogs, family members, and past and present Coral Reefer Band members.
You can name at least 5 places where Jimmy lived, can put them in chronological order, and know which place he is referring to in, “I Have Found Me a Home.”
You have a Parrot Head tattoo, or two or three.
You have a Parrot Head license plate and can easily decipher the meanings of any Parrot Head license plate you see as lyrics from Jimmy’s music, or one of his personal sayings.
You can recite at least 5 of his quotes.
You know who the captain is to Jimmy’s “kid.”
You know how many books he wrote, have read at least one of them, and have reread 1 or 2 of them.
Some of the songs from “Life on the Flip Side” have taken on new meanings since Jimmy has died.
Some day you will chew on a honeysuckle vine, or perhaps you have already tried this.
You have raised parakeets.
Your friends and family members who are not Parrot Heads do not understand you, and wonder if you are going to recover.
Sometimes, when you hear the richness and clarity of his voice in his songs, see the words come to life in stories reflecting his thoughts and feelings, and think of that bright and warm smile, you simply cannot control your tears. You think, it could always be this way for you.
And yes, although his music and his lifestyle have influenced your life in a positive way, and you are grateful to experience all that was Jimmy Buffett, you know nobody will ever replace him. So, you remember his own words that you believe he sang with a smile, “Joy, there is always enough. Bubbles Up.”